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Conservation Meeting Minutes 8/1/02
Conservation Commission
August 1, 2002

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Mike Cook, Janet Dunlap, and Hank Langstroth were the members present.  Rose Perrizo arrived at 7:50 p.m.

7:40 p.m., Environmental Bond Bill Update:

Peg announced to the Commission that the Environmental Bond Bill passed through the Senate and is currently awaiting Governor Swift's signature.

7:45 p.m., Hearing Continuance, Sharon Middle School:

Bill Croteau, Manuel Garcia, Christopher Garcia, Peter Collins, and David McKinley appeared before the
Chris Garcia P.E., from Garcia- Galuska- DeSousa, presented revised site drawings to the Commission,
(C0.01, C0.02, C1.01, C2.01, L4.01 & L4.02). Due to previous meetings Manuel Garcia held with abutters, two basic changes to the drawings have been made. One change is to provide additional overflow parking areas, located adjacent to the track and adjacent to the existing auditorium. These areas are designed for emergency parking overflow for events at the school as well as areas for snow removal. Pervious parking pavers will be utilized. A grasspaver solution is proposed. (This material allows some rainwater to soak into the ground without directly discharging into the drainage system).  
The other change is for two additional subsurface storage areas for rainwater in the parking lot. This would provide more stormwater infiltration that would lessen the impact on the discharge into the main wetland area that abuts many neighboring properties.  At one of the meetings Garcia held, the abutters were concerned that there may be too much infiltration on site and not enough flowing into the wetlands, however, Garcia explained that the design has a by-pass flow. All of Mountain Street and all of the track area would still directly discharge into the wetlands. There will be deep sump catch basins and oil and sand interceptors on that line to treat rainwater, yet a consistent flow of water into the wetlands would still be provided.
Manuel Garcia stated that the follow-up meeting held at the Sharon DPW with Peter Collins, Peter O'Cain, Joe Kent, David McKinley and abutters was successful; all of the abutters concerns were satisfied.
Mike asked how large the proposed additional drainage areas would be.
One drainage area is approximately 50' x 15' and the other area is approximately 20' x 50'.
There are 4 leaching pits designed in the back for additional infiltration.
Two swales are proposed that would flow toward the front of the school. One swale would resemble a dry riverbed with stones placed randomly, and the water from the other swale would trench into a 1' opening. Both swales would function the same way, yet have different appearances.
The baseball diamond would remain unchanged.
Manuel Garcia stated that he would forward these plan revisions to DEP and anticipates meeting with the SCC again in September with the final design for the off site sewer portions.
Peg called for a motion to close the Middle School Hearing.
Mike moved. Janet Seconded. Voted.  4-0-1.

8:15 p.m., Review Past Meeting Minutes:

Peg called for a motion to approve the July 11, 2002, Meeting Minutes.
Janet moved. Mike Seconded. Voted. 3-0-2.

8:20 p.m., Review FY' 2003 SCC Budget:

Greg presented the Fiscal Year 2003 Budget to the Commission for their review. The members discussed the various difficulties that would be incurred by the Commission due to proposed line item cuts.

Page 2 SCC 8/1/02 Minutes

8:30 p.m., Amanda Sloan, Phase II Lake Project Discussion:

Amanda Sloan and Todd Richardson appeared before the Commission.
Amanda distributed photographs and illustrations of the Phase II Lake Project to the Commission.
Todd Richardson, Landscape Architect with Richardson Associates, has been collaborating with Amanda on this project, and presented the Commission with an overview of some of the larger project goals of Phase II.
Phase II is designed to improve the park and lake's water quality, the functioning of Veteran's Memorial Park, and to improve aesthetics.
Todd reviewed the Phase I improvements for the Commission, which involved a fieldstone boulder retaining wall that eliminated erosion that was causing sediments to gravitate into the lake. The retaining wall also protects the long-term health of the trees located at the lake's edge, and contributes to long term stabilization at the shore.  Additional plantings further assisted in stabilizing the shoreline.
Todd presented a drawing for the proposed Phase II project to the Commission illustrating updated shore conditions and permanently addresses access along the shorefront for all members of the community.  A multipurpose stabilized 10' wide pathway consisting of a permeable surface has been designed.  Backless benches are proposed that would allow people to face the multipurpose path.  
The topography would come down from the existing parking lot to the Old Beach Street Area where the multipurpose path is proposed.  The multipurpose path would pitch towards the parking lot to a trough, a french drain, that would collect water and sediments. It would be approximately 12" wide and 24" deep consisting of an aggregate porous material that would continue along the uphill side.  The earthwork, pathway and plantings are planned for late Fall construction.
Todd stated that the cross section for the multipurpose path would include some gravel and possibly a geotextile separator fabric. Low maintenance native type plants are proposed for planting.
Peg inquired if this project could be coordinated with the Beech Tree Park Project and if it were possible to have connecting paths by the boat ramp area.
Janet inquired if an additional access to the park is proposed near the Gunhouse Street end of the lake and if the drawing of the Phase II Project could be on display in a conspicuous area of the lake for the members of the community to enjoy.
Amanda was confident that the Commission's requests could be accommodated.
Peg recommended that the following information be included with the N.O.I. application:
The Buffer Line should be defined. A list of the proposed types of plants, trees, and where they will be planted.  A soil and erosion control plan.  A location where any excavated material would be disposed of. Construction details. Siltation devices.

9:00 p.m., Review Striar's proposed 40-B Housing Development Plan" The Estates at Borderland":

The Commission reviewed the Striar's 40-B Housing Development Plan and narrative for the 250 units proposed for Rattlesnake Hill.
Peg suggested that on a rotating basis, the Commission members should attend the Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearings regarding this proposed Development.
Greg mentioned to the Commission that the SCC has approved the wetland line but has not yet ruled on any riverway resources.

9:10 p.m., Signatures:
The Commission signed bills, and Order of Conditions for the Sharon Middle School.

9:15 p.m., Adjournment:
Peg called for a motion to adjourn.  
Hank moved.  Mike seconded.  Voted. Unanimous.